Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)

“Jurassic World Rebirth,” slated for release on July 2, 2025, marks the seventh installment in the iconic franchise. Directed by Gareth Edwards and penned by David Koepp, the film introduces a fresh narrative set five years post-Jurassic World Dominion.” As Earth’s environment becomes inhospitable to dinosaurs, the remaining creatures find refuge in isolated tropical regions. The plot centers on Zora Bennett (Scarlett Johansson), a covert operations expert leading a mission to extract genetic material from three colossal dinosaur species, aiming to develop a revolutionary drug. Accompanied by paleontologist Dr. Henry Loomis (Jonathan Bailey) and team leader Duncan Kincaid (Mahershala Ali), Bennett’s team encounters unforeseen challenges, including a stranded family and a sinister secret on the island. “Jurassic World Rebirth” promises a thrilling adventure, blending new characters with the franchise’s hallmark dinosaur excitement.

‘ Jurassic World Rebirth ‘ Unveils New Plot and Character Details


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